Superfoods: The truth about these “magic ” foods

Ie see this word used in newspaper titles, in nutrition blogs and even on the menus of some of our favorite restaurants. We see many claims about those foods such as; weight loss, anti- aging, life elixir or treating diseases like cancer.
Even though this term is widely used in social media, it has no place in the science field. We easily believe statements and promises that are too good to be true.
The word “Superfoods”, is not a scientific term and you will not be able to find any scientific evidence or authorized organizations using this term.
This term was invented for marketing purposes to attract consumers that want to eat healthier or to attract readers who are into healthy lifestyle.
Superfoods: The Positives
Consuming these foods doesn’t necessarily mean that they are bad for your health, since most common foods called “superfoods” are vegetables (like kale or spinach), fruits (like berries or pineapple), or a type of starch high in fiber like quinoa.
The term can also be used for some herbs and spices like ginger, garlic, etc. Most of them are high in nutrients, fiber and antioxidants which are considered beneficial for our health.
Superfoods: The Negatives
Even though these foods are generally healthy, people tend to have unrealistic expectations when consuming them. They believe that these foods might prevent or treat some diseases and they end up disappointed. The reason behind this is that the term “superfood” is very promising regarding health benefits, however there is no scientific evidence to support such statements.
Also, consuming these foods will not have any health benefits if they are part of a poor diet (junk food etc.) The issue with this term is that it causes misleading perceptions and beliefs that a single food can provide all the nutrients required, however there is no such thing.
By consuming only specific foods instead of a variety of products, can prevent us from getting all the vitamins and minerals required, and thus causing various deficiencies.
No single food, not even a combination of ten different “superfoods” can contain ALL of the nutrients required, and should not replace a balanced and healthy diet.
Eleana Liasidou
Clinical Dietitian- Nutritionist, MSc